March 15, 2021

The human body secretes and circulates approximately 50 different hormones. These chemical messengers are released into the bloodstream and carried to the target organ or tissue. Different hormones act on certain aspects of bodily functions and processes. In this article, we are going to explore which hormones act on the eyes and how. What are hormones? Hormones are chemical messengers...

How do hormones affect our eyes?

March 15, 2021 / Eye Health

The human body secretes and circulates approximately 50 different hormones. These chemical messengers are released into the bloodstream and carried to the target organ or tissue. Different hormones act on certain aspects of bodily functions and processes. In this article, we are going to explore which hormones act on the eyes and how. What are hormones? Hormones are chemical messengers...
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Ode to the Wheatie Bag

February 19, 2021 / Eye Health

The staff laugh, I laugh too, at this obsession.Two, three times a day I reach toward my collection. A box of small cute jelly-bean shaped bags.Choose your colour, pattern even zig zag! At first you think it’s odd, perhaps she’s mad,To offer you a small wheatie bag. I leave you alone, two minutes I’ll take.You scan the room, where’s her...
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Laser Eye Surgery and Cataracts

January 1, 2021 / Laser Eye Surgery

The most common procedures on the human eye are laser eye surgery and cataract surgery. They are totally different procedures and are usually carried out for different reasons. But they can affect each other, and many people who are thinking about having vision correction surgery have concerns about how laser eye surgery can affect cataracts and vice versa. This article...
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What’s the deal with sunglasses?

December 4, 2020 / Eye Health

Are all sunglasses made equal? Which are the best sunglasses to wear? Should children wear sunglasses? Sunglasses are great! Not only can they improve your comfort on a sunny or glarey day, but they protect your eyes, they’re fun and they can be an integral accessory for the budding fashionista! With so many functions, how do we make sure we...
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What are Punctal Plugs?

November 4, 2020 / Eye Health

Punctal Plugs are small plastic tubes that can be inserted into the puncta of the upper or lower eyelid. The puncta are the small openings you can see on the eyelids, found in the inner corner of your eyes. Individually called the Upper Punctum and Lower Punctum. It is more common to have just your lower puncta plugged. Eye care...
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Watery Eyes – No, I’m not crying.

October 15, 2020 / Eye Health

girl crying
Do you have constantly watery eyes? Perhaps you even have tears running down your face? Sick of people asking you if you’re OK? Or if you have been crying? Well watery eyes aren’t something you just have to put up with. There are some solutions available to help. Watery eyes are very common and are usually temporary. For a small...
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Corneal Graft – Seeing Through Another’s Eye

October 1, 2020 / Eyesight

Eduard Zirm completed the first successful corneal graft, also known as a corneal transplant, in 1905. Since then innumerable ophthalmologists have refined and developed the procedure to become the most common and successful form of human transplantation. This article will discuss some of the reasons people may need a corneal graft, what types of corneal transplants are now possible and...
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Are hobby glasses bad for my eyes?

September 14, 2020 / Eye Health

readers on books
Hobby glasses are easily purchased from pharmacies, department stores, the warehouse, supermarkets and even in some $2 shops! Hobby glasses are also known as ready-made reading glasses, over the counter reading glasses, magnifying glasses or readers. They are quick and easy to buy, rarely more than $30.00, but do they damage your eyes? The short answer is no, they don’t...
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SMILE Surgery: Read The Facts

September 1, 2020 / Laser Eye Surgery

These days, there are two types of laser clinics – ones that do SMILE® surgery and ones that do not. In New Zealand, Australia, and the rest of the world, most laser eye surgery clinics offer SMILE as well as LASIK and PRK. The choice of which procedure to have done depends on several factors including: type of focusing error...
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The relationship between eyesight and migraines

August 21, 2020 / Eye Health

The effect migraines can have on your eyesight is both fascinating and disruptive. But the very first time you experience it, it can also be very distressing. In this blog, we explore the connection between the brain, the eyes and what we see. What is a migraine? A migraine is a recurrent and severe headache which a whopping one in...
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Eyesight and genetics. Is there a link?

July 30, 2020 / Eye Health

We see inherited traits every day. Families with the same hair colour, eye colour, nose shape or build. But those of us who don’t experience poor vision probably haven’t considered the links between genetics and eyesight. Many eye conditions do have an underlying genetic cause, which means they can be inherited or “run in the family”. For people who have...
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Common Myths about Eyes and Vision

July 10, 2020 / Eyesight

Many of us would have grown up hearing that carrots can help you see in the dark, watching too much television will give you square eyes and if you cross your eyes, they might get stuck that way. But is there any truth behind these myths and old wives tales? In this blog, we explore some of the more popular...
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